Articles - Olis

🌍 Ecology in the elevator business: solutions from OLIS

In the modern agricultural sector, reducing the environmental burden is becoming a key task for all market participants. The elevator industry is no exception. The OLIS company offers a number of solutions that not only increase the efficiency of grain processing, but also contribute to the preservation of the environment. Aspiration systems for dust control.

Quality with a margin

Magazine The Ukrainian Farmer #3 (171) 2024  For a trading elevator, control of production indicators is one of the main tasks — the company’s profit depends on it. The Zdolbuniv elevator “Tradex Agri”, which is part of the TradexAgriGroup group of companies, started its work in 2018 and has worked for a full six seasons

Uncompromising cleaning

Magazine The Ukrainian Farmer №11 (167) 2023  In order to achieve the desired quality of grain cleaning, a reasonable choice of equipment helps to complete the task at an optimal cost. Medium-sized enterprises often build drying complexes instead of full-fledged elevators, and grain is stored in floor warehouses, hangars and plastic sleeves. This approach makes

Features of barley cleaning

The freshly harvested grain mass contains not only barley grain, but also some weed and grain impurities that deteriorate the quality of the grain and have a negative impact on its preservation. To ensure high-quality and long-term preservation of barley grain, preventing losses, during long-term storage it must be cleaned of impurities and dried to

Features of corn grain cleaning

Maize (Zea mays L.) is one of the leading, highly valuable cereals in modern world agriculture, deservedly ranking third in the world in terms of acreage, accounting for at least 30-40% of the global grain balance. In global agriculture, corn is used as a versatile crop for food and technical needs (production of cereals and

Features of sunflower cleaning

Sunflower cleaning is the most important component of post-harvest processing. At this stage, the post-harvest heap is separated into the main crop (sunflower seeds), large and small waste (seeds of other crops, husks, residues of leaves, baskets and stems, mineral and other inclusions), and oilseed impurities (broken, collapsed, spoiled, corroded, rotten, underdeveloped seeds). The latter

How do laboratories determine the quality of wheat?

Grain quality is the most important indicator that affects production costs. Each grain elevator is equipped with a special laboratory where it is tested. Grain is subjected to comprehensive testing, after which its quality and purpose are determined. Grain cleaning equipment must be used. It helps to remove various debris and impurities that reduce its

Laboratory analysis of wheat grain

In an era of widespread pesticide use, the quality of the crops harvested from the fields must be confirmed by experience. Wheat, like other types of grain, is only put on the market after it has been tested and proven safe for living organisms. In addition to environmental friendliness, other characteristics such as gluten levels,

Determination of the quality of grain, flour, cereals

The quality of grain supplied to processing plants, bakeries or warehouses is characterised by a group of specific indicators. These include smell, colour, taste, contamination, moisture content, and pest infestation. These indicators must be taken into account when assessing any type of grain, regardless of the purpose of its use or destination. The use of

Improvement of millet processing into ground millet

A.P. Vereshchinsky – Doctor of Technical Sciences, General Director (LLC “OLIS”, Odessa); Pirus Y.B. – Director for Development and Implementation (OLIS LLC, Odessa) Millet is known to be a good precursor for other crops when organising crop rotation, as well as a valuable raw material for cereal production. Millet is a traditionally consumed product in

Practical improvement of pea groats production technology

A.P. Vereshchinsky – General Director of LLC “OLIS”, Doctor of Technical Sciences; D.V. Shevchenko – Head of the Development and Implementation Department of OLIS LLC Development of the consumer market of goods determines the actual directions of improvement of technologies of their production. So, the analysis of modern conjuncture of the market of cereals shows

Cereal production technology – chopped peas, unpolished

Vereshchinsky A.P. – General Director of LLC “OLIS”, Doctor of Technical Sciences; Shevchenko D.V. – Head of Development and Implementation Department of LLC “OLIS” It is known that seed pods in pea grain make up 90-94% of its weight [1], but the actual yield of ground pea groats produced by traditional technology does not exceed

Modern methods of increasing the efficiency of wheat milling varieties

Vereshchinsky A.P. – General Director of “OLIS” LLC (Odessa), Doctor of Technical Sciences. On behalf of myself and the company “OLIS” let me welcome you to the international conference “Flour and cereals: raw materials, market, technologies”. Without doubt, this forum is one of the most expected and important events for all those who work in

The practice of introducing innovations in cereal production technology

Practice of innovations in croup production technology. Shevchenko A.V., Head of Development and Implementation Department of “OLIS” When considering innovations in cereal production technologies, optical sorters should be mentioned first of all. (Slide 1) This is undoubtedly a new, very advanced and intensively developing technology, on the one hand. On the other hand, there is

Technology of millet processing into millet darnel

Vereshchinsky A.P. – Doctor of Technical Sciences, General Director of “Olis” LLC, Odessa; Shevchenko A.V. – Head of Development and Implementation Department of “Olis” LLC, Odessa It is well known that millet, produced according to traditional technology, is a millet grain, completely free from floral and partially from seed and fruit hulls, aleurone layer and

Improving oat processing

Vereshchinsky A.P., PhD, General Director (OLIS LLC, Odessa); Yanyuk T.I., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor (NUPT, Kiev); Pyrus Y.B., Director on developments and implementations (LLC “OLIS”, Odessa). Oat grain products are known to occupy an increasing part of the human diet. Oats are used for manufacture of various flakes, toloknoi and flour. High nutritional

Reliability of operation of sluice gates as part of cyclones and bag filters of elevator aspiration systems

Vereshchinsky A.P., OLIS LLC, Doctor of Technical Sciences According to long-term experience of operation of aspiration systems at grain processing enterprises, their operability and efficiency are largely determined by the reliability of sluice gates (Fig.1), which are part of air cleaning devices. In most cases emergency situations are characterised by increased dust emission into the

Flaking of wheat quality grinding technology

Technical Director of Ltd OLIS, Ph.D. Vereshchynsky A.P. «Grain storage and processing» № 9, 2008. Task of improving the quality and yield of flour remain valid for the majority of mills grinding wheat cultivar that requires a search for secure and economically viable solutions. One of the directions of this search is to use the

Post-Harvest Grain Cleaning. Art. 2

Article 1 ←  Article 2 t is commonly known that successful crop growing is largely conditioned upon minimization of costs when harvesting. For loss prevention, the harvest should be started immediately with the onset of ripeness of grains and be carried out rhythmically and rapidly. Ripe grains in the field are not always dry, especially when it

Main Technological Characteristics and Grain Cleaning Equipment. Art. 1

Article 1 →  Article 2 Any type of grain processing is associated with cleaning from impurities. The presence of impurities adversely affects the efficiency of storage of grains and their technological characteristics, which results in decrease of the yield and quality of processed products. Therefore, cleaning operations are instrumental in post-harvest grain processing. Manufacturing processes for the

Modern winter wheat cultivation technology. Factors of winter wheat

The productivity of winter wheat depends on different factors. To take the good crop of grain-crops, farmers need correctly to pick up sorts, process soil, delete weeds, use fertilizers and watch after soil terms. Sowing a winter wheat, it is needed to adhere to existent agrotechnical recommendations. Only in this case and at careful care

Cereals – basic types, popular varieties and growing conditions

Grain-crops – product, used in a pacification, waveguides and groats. In addition, on their basis produce the concentrated and rough forage that is used in a stock-raising. Not surprising, that considerable part of agricultural lands is taken exactly under sowing of grain-crops. What more harvest, than more forage, food and technical necessities are able to

Oven ENR – 3MU – laboratory instrument a of new level.

Technical Director of “OLIS, Ph.D. Vereshchynsky A.P. Director of “Analyt device” Prytyskach A.S. “Storage and processing of grain” – 2008. As is known, the moisture content of grain and grain products is a key indicator of their quality. Moisture acts medium for biochemical reactions and other transformations that define the behavior of grain and its

Ensuring the effective operation of mills in the cold season.

Technical Director of “OLIS, Ph.D. Vereshchynsky A.P. With the coming cold season in most mills are visible problems associated with a decrease in the quality and yield of flour. The main reason for this decline is a violation of the temperature conditions necessary for the effective conduct waterthermal grain handling. As you know, waterthermal processing

Effective ways to improve the performance of the mill low reproducibility

Vereshchynsky A.P., Ph.D. Catalog LLC OLIS “2005. Recent years, much of the flour produced in mills with low productivity. These include the mill capacity of 25 – 60 tons / day grains with reduced quality grinding circuits. Photo. 1. Machine for cleaning grain surface. The main feature of the mills of this type is to

Surface treatment of grain mills

Surface treatment of grain mills Ltd “Olis” Vereshchynsky A.P., Ph.D., Kroshko A.V. engineer «Grain storage and processing» – № 5, 2005.       As you know, in the training of grain breakage is traditionally used hulling machine. Their task is to clean the surface of grains of sticky dust, sand and microorganisms, removal of

New machines for surface treatment of high grain

Ltd “Olis” Vereshchynsky A.P., Ph.D. «Grain storage and processing»- № 5, 2002 In the article “Efficient processing – the main factor promoting of soriz” (Journal Storage and Processing “, # 1, 2002), we have presented problems in grain production from corn of soriz, solutions and results. However, some portions of this study will gain a

Market prospects and technical policy of grain processing

Vereshchynsky A.P., Ph.D. Catalog LTD OLIS 2005. One of the main conditions for success of any production is its technical equipment. However, in most industries there are many examples where highly equipped production are giving way to the market companies with lower potential is due to technical reasons. These industries currently include and processing of

Organizational and technical approaches to creating a successful cereal production

 A.P. Vereshchinsky, Ph.D. tech. Sciences, General Director of LLC “OLIS” (Odessa) Some agro-industrial enterprises and holdings, having succeeded in grain production, are seeking to create or expand branches for its processing. Often their field of vision includes production of flour or cereals. Unfortunately, most managers who are mastering this new type of business are prone

Corn – quality standards and processing

Corn – is a grain as well as a vegetable. It grows on a tall herbaceous stalk and produces large kernels on the cob. Corn kernels can range from white to yellow. There is, for example, “Indian corn” which has kernels that are a mixture of yellow, orange, brown, red and purple. Quality standards The existing quality

How do winter crops differ from spring crops?

All winter crops, including wheat, are planted in early autumn, form seedlings, then overwinter under the snow, and in early spring produce a harvest that ripens earlier than spring crops (planted in spring). Typically, the yield of winter crops is higher, and they have a longer shelf life. In most cases, both types of crops

Features of growing winter barley

Winter barley is a crop that is in demand as feed. In the food industry, barley grain is used as a raw material for the creation of pearl barley and barley groats, as well as egg flour, and brewers make one of the most ancient intoxicating drinks from the grain. The advantages of barley include

Features of growing buckwheat (buckwheat) in Ukraine

Buckwheat has acquired a reputation as a finicky crop. This is due to the demands regarding the quality of the soil, temperature, humidity and other factors at different periods of plant development. A feature of buckwheat is 6 stages of phenological development: Emergence of shoots. Formation of the first leaves. Branching and setting buds. Blossom.

Peeling as a way to intensify water-heat treatment in varietal wheat grinding

Vereshchinsky A.P., Candidate of Technical Sciences, General Director of OLIS LLC Music N.S.‚ process engineer, LLC “OLIS” As is known, water-heat treatment (WHT) in flour milling is used to purposefully change the technological properties of grain in order to create optimal conditions for its processing into high-quality flour. As a result of HTO, the elasticity


Lavender is a very popular plant: its flowers are used in medicine, cosmetology, cooking, and it is distributed throughout the world. Lavender – what kind of plant is this? This is a perennial crop of the Lamiaceae family. Initially it grew naturally in Africa, Asia, and southern Europe. Thanks to its beneficial properties, beautiful flowers

How to grow a good harvest of winter crops

Winter plants, unlike spring plants, are planted not in the spring – for ripening in the summer months and harvesting in the fall – but before winter. Such crops continue to develop in the spring and produce a harvest earlier than spring crops. How to grow a good harvest of winter crops? To achieve good

Vereshchinsky A.P. Crust formation when grinding hulled grain

A.P. Vereshchinsky, Ph.D. tech. Sciences, General Director of LLC “OLIS” (Odessa) In varietal wheat grinding, groats formation, as a substage of the grinding process, determines the structure of all subsequent processing and significantly affects the quality and yield of flour. Therefore,  improving grit formation is a primary goal in ensuring the effectiveness of varietal grinding.

Intensification of the cold method of water-heat treatment and a comprehensive increase in the efficiency of grain preparation during high-quality baking wheat grinding

A.P. Vereshchinsky, Ph.D. tech. Sciences, General Director of LLC “OLIS”, Odessa; M.S. MUSIC, process engineer at OLIS LLC, Odessa; A.V. SHEVCHENKO, process engineer at OLIS LLC, Odessa This article provides ways to improve the preparation of wheat grain for high-quality baking grinding. A technological scheme for grain conditioning using pre-husking and heating has been proposed.

The current situation in the flour milling industry requires rapid reform of its regulatory framework. Why?

E. Dmitruk, Doctor of Technical Sciences Professor T. MISTULOV, candidate of pedagogical sciences, senior researcher at the National University of Food Technologies (Kiev) A. Vereshchinsky, Candidate of Technical Sciences, General Director of LLC “OLIS” (Odessa) One of the main regulatory documents regulating the efficiency of the flour milling industry is the existing “Rules for organizing

Laboratory scales and tips for choosing them

Working with small parts and microscopic quantities of matter is common in many areas of activity. Therefore, devices for high-precision weighing – laboratory scales – are used everywhere. What are laboratory scales By definition, a laboratory or microbalance is a device for measuring weight with an accuracy of thousandths of a gram. These devices measure

How to choose a grain moisture meter?

A portable grain meter is a digital measuring device for determining the moisture content of grain. It is used during harvesting, as well as during drying, storage, transportation and processing. Express analyzers are indispensable when working in the field, when there is no time or opportunity to use a drying cabinet and other equipment. Constant

How to choose a laboratory fume hood?

A fume hood is a special furniture for working with toxic substances in the laboratory. The equipment is used to conduct experiments, analyzes and research. Suitable for industrial enterprises, educational institutions, individual laboratories. Its peculiarity is the presence of an exhaust hood that absorbs dangerous volatile substances. This ensures safe operation and accurate results. Types

Why do grains get injured?

Processing grain crops often leads to seed injury. Unnoticeable at first glance, it can provoke a decrease in germination and further damage due to the proliferation of microorganisms. As a result, the performance of the future harvest will deteriorate. Therefore, it is extremely important to carefully select grains at each stage of processing and carry

Flat bottom silos

Growing and harvesting grain crops is a labor-intensive and costly process. For the investment to be worthwhile, the harvest must be properly stored. For this purpose, specially equipped granaries are used, which have ventilation systems and an adequate microclimate. One popular type of crop storage facility is a flat-bottomed silo. Features of flat bottom silos

Technology for growing, harvesting and processing buckwheat crops

Buckwheat is a cereal crop that includes 15 species. Its homeland is Nepal and Northern India, from where it has spread to different continents. In our country, buckwheat seeds are used to produce buckwheat, the advantages of which are high taste and dietary properties. With their help, buckwheat straw is also obtained, which is mixed

Buckwheat production technology

Buckwheat is a herbaceous plant popular in agriculture. Grain is an invaluable food product. Due to its rich vitamin and mineral composition, it is widely used in the diet of people and animals. To obtain the highest quality product, the entire harvested crop is processed using specialized equipment, and in several stages. Buckwheat processing technology

Determining the quality of sunflower seeds

Sunflower is an annual oilseed crop. Its seeds are actively used in various spheres of human activity and are a valuable food product. They are rich in vitamins B, E, PP, and are also a source of minerals such as magnesium, manganese, copper and selenium. For the product to be beneficial, the quality of sunflower

The main varieties and peculiarities of wheat varieties

Wheat, along with rye, oats and barley, belongs to real breads, but, unlike them, is characterized by the widest variety of varieties. This cereal is cultivated in the agricultural sector; it is used to make wheat flour and animal feed. Wheat as a grain crop Wheat is a herbaceous plant. Numerous studies have shown that

Scientific bases and practice of increasing the efficiency of varietal bakery wheat milling (part 1)

Part 1 → Part 2 → Part 3 NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF FOOD TECHNOLOGIES Alexander Pavlovich Vereshchynskyi UDC 664.64.001.76 Scientific basis and practice Improve the effectiveness of varieties BAKER’S WHEAT GROOVES 05.18.02 – Technology of cereals, pulses, cereals products and feed, oilseeds and bast crops Author’s note Dissertations for a scientific degree Doctor of Technical Sciences


Sorghum is an undeservedly neglected crop in our country. Moreover, the plant has been known for a long time, and is also widely used in agriculture in many countries. Botanical characteristics of the plant Sorghum is a herbaceous plant of the grass family (Poaceae). Its various species are perennial and annual, grow wild or are

Patterns of grinding hulled wheat grains

 A.P. Vereshchinsky, Ph.D. tech. Sciences, General Director of LLC “OLIS” (Odessa) According to the research of Ya. N. Kuprits, whole grain is a kind of natural engineering structure that has a fairly strong ellipsoidal frame, reinforced by the most durable anatomical part of the grain – the shell. When external forces are applied, the frame

Reduced technological process for flour production

Dmitruk E.A., Ilchuk V.B., Vereshchinsky A.P., Cherny A.A., Kharchenko E.I. “Rules for organizing and maintaining the technological process at flour mills” [1] recommend carrying out the grinding process on four torn and six to eight grinding systems (Table 1). The specific load on the roller line is 80-100 kg/cm•day, the specific load on the screening

How to create a successful mill production

A.P. Vereshchinsky, Ph.D. tech. Sciences, General Director of LLC “OLIS” (Odessa) Some agro-industrial enterprises and holdings, having succeeded in grain production, are seeking to create or expand its processing. Often, mill production for the production of high-quality wheat flour comes into their field of vision. Our observations show that most managers mastering this new type

What are vegetable peas?

This is an annual legume with an erect or climbing stem from 45 to 250 cm long. Serves as a rich source of protein and various amino acids. It is quite unpretentious, produces good yields and is widely used for culinary needs, as it is nutritious, well digestible and has excellent taste. General information about

Vereshchinsky A.P. Efficiency of “Cascade” hulling and grinding machines in the preparation of wheat grain in varietal grinding

 A.P. Vereshchinsky, Ph.D. tech. Sciences, General Director of LLC “OLIS” (Odessa) One ​​of the methods for improving varietal grinding of wheat is peeling the grain when preparing it for grinding. The effectiveness of this method is largely determined by the technical and technological efficiency of peeling equipment. Based on the results of research and development

Introduction of innovative technologies in varietal baking wheat grinding

Vereshchinsky A.P., Ph.D., General Director of OLIS LLC Ilchuk V.B., Ph.D., Director of the Scientific and Technical Center “Design and Technologies of the Agro-Industrial Complex” NICH NUH As you know, Ukraine inherited from the Soviet Union a powerful flour-milling industry, which annually processed about 7 million tons of wheat grain. It was based on flour

What is rapeseed and what is made from it

Perhaps there is no other agricultural plant about which ordinary people know so little, but about which they say so many bad things. Rapeseed is a very interesting crop, very useful and widely used for technical and food purposes. What is rapeseed? Scientifically speaking, rapeseed is a herbaceous annual plant of the cruciferous family, of

Technological methods of extracting grains affected by Fusarium wilt from the grain mass

Technological techniques for the selection of grains affected by Fusarium wilt from the grain mass O.P. Vereshchynskyi, Ph.D., V.B. Ilchuk, Ph.D., E.A. Dmytruk, Ph.D., prof. , Yevtushenko O.O., Ph.D., Associate Professor, E.I. Kharchenko, Ph.D., Associate Professor National University of Food Technology Fungi of the genus Fusarium damage grain plants that have overwintered in the field,

Production technology of grains – unpolished knee peas

Technology of production of grains – unpolished pea. O.P. Vereshchynskyi, General Director of OLYS LLC, Doctor of Technical Sciences O.V. Shevchenko, head of the development and implementation department of OLYS LLC, Odesa As you know, the cotyledons in the pea grain make up 90-94% of its weight [1], but the actual yield of ground pea

The practice of improving the production technology of pea groats

Practice of improving the production technology of pea groats. O.P. Vereshchynskyi, general director, doctor of technical sciences O.V. Shevchenko, head of the development and implementation department of OLYS LLC The development of the consumer market of goods determines the current directions for improving the technologies of their production. Thus, the analysis of the current conjuncture

Calculation of material balances during the processing of husked wheat grain in reduced grinding structures

Calculation of material balances during the processing of husked wheat grain in reduced grinding structures O.P. Vereshchynskyi, Ph.D. technical Sci., E.I. Kharchenko, candidate technical Science. National University of Food Technologies The development of mathematical modeling of wheat grain grinding operations in multi-grade bakery mills is considered. The peculiarities of mathematical models for describing the quantitative

Energy intensity of wheat husking in preparation for grinding

Energy intensity of wheat husking in preparation for grinding As you know, one of the effective methods of preparing wheat for grinding is hulling. Taking into account the anatomical features of the structure of wheat grain, it is most expedient to peel it by processing it in hulling and grinding machines with an abrasive rotor.

New opportunities for improving mill production using technological equipment of OLIS LLC

New opportunities for improving mill productionusing the technological equipment of LLC “OLIS”. Vereshchinsky A.P., Candidate of Technical Sciences, General Director of OLIS LLC. An analysis of the technical solutions offered on the market shows that modern trends in the creation of new and reconstruction of existing mill production facilities are aimed at grinding grain according

Grain quality control is the key to the success of agribusiness

Grain quality control Vereshchinsky A.P., gene. Director of LLC “OLIS”, Candidate of Technical Sciences. “Storage and processing of grain” – No. 10 (136), 2010. Quality control of grain and its processing products in the field of agribusiness has been and remains the most pressing issue, because It is the quality of the grown grain and

Effective ways to improve the performance of low-capacity mills

Effective ways to improve the performance of low-capacity mills Vereshchinsky A. P., Candidate of Technical Sciences Catalog LLC “OLIS” 2005      In recent years, a significant portion of flour has been produced in low-capacity mills. These include mills with a capacity of 25 – 60 t/day. by grain, with reduced varietal grinding schemes.  

Current status of domestic flour millers with a brief excursion into his recent history

Vereshchynsky A.P., Ph.D. Catalog Ltd «OLIS 2005».       In the former Soviet Union targets for technological development of grain processing specially created, quite a powerful system of institutions and enterprises operating under the Ministry of bakeries. This system includes a research and design institutes, design offices, manufacturers of equipment, machine-testing stations. Important complementary

Screw conveyor

The Screw conveyor manufactured by LLC “OLIS” is usedto move bulk products (grain and its products, fine cargo, granules), processed into cereals, flour and mixed feed in a horizontal plane at an angle of up to 20 degrees. The principle of operation of screw conveyors is that the bulk product (grain) that needs to be

Laboratory instruments

The grain laboratory is an important component in agribusiness. In the presence of fierce competition, farmers need to improve the quality of their products, so they need special laboratory equipment. Any activity related to grain storage and grain processing begins with the operation of laboratory instruments. Using laboratory instruments quality indicators are determined in accordance

Practical aspects of using a new grain crop

Practical aspects of using a new grain crop Dremlyuk Grigory Kupriyanovich, SGI d. Sc., chief researcher; Vereshchinsky Alexander Pavlovich, Ph.D., Chairman of the Board, Ukragroprod JSC. Moscow. Magazine “Bread Products” No. 11 (November) 2000 Reviewed at VNIIZ. Cereals and food concentrates based on them, like bread, are traditionally the most consumed food products. However, their

Grain cleaning machine

Grain cleaning is an important and labor-intensive process of processing grain crops, therefore it is worth taking a responsible approach to the choice of grain cleaning equipment. “LUCH” ZSO separators are universal sour-cleaning machines produced by OLIS LLC, designed for cleaning and processing grain to a high quality standard. This grain cleaning equipmentis used for

Grain cleaning equipment

Today, it is impossible to imagine the agro-industrial complex of Ukraine without grain cleaning equipment. Large agricultural enterprises and small farmers cannot do without air and screen separators. An experienced manager understands that high-quality grain cleaning equipment is the key to high profits and business prosperity in the agricultural sector. The OLIS company is a

Cereal equipment

Before processing grain into cereals in factories, it must be separated from various impurities, litter and dust, that is, cleaned. To obtain the finished product – cereals, the purified grain must be husked, crushed and sorted into fractions. All these operations cannot be performed without special equipment. Cereal equipment produced by LLC “OLIS” provides a

Grain cleaning machine

Grain cleaning is a fairly complex, labor-intensive process and occurs in several stages. In accordance with modern realities of the agricultural market, new integrated solutions are emerging – grain cleaning machines. The emergence of grain cleaning technology became a step in the development of grain production. A Grain cleaning machinecan sort grain according to various

Grain cleaning machine

The OLIS company has ten years of experience in the production of grain cleaning machines. Our staff is a team of specialists and like-minded people who constantly develop cutting-edge technical solutions. We are pleased to present to our customers the entire line of grain cleaning machines, allowing us to cover the entire spectrum of demand

Equipment for cereals

Various equipment is involved in grain processing, since it consists of complex, labor-intensive technological processes. Integrated equipment for cereals (cereal workshops, cereal lines and cereal enrichment plants) is used for cleaning and processing raw materials into cereals and flakes of various crops. Onequipment for cerealsthe processes of cleaning, moistening, steaming, drying, peeling, grinding and dividing

Cleaning grain from impurities

Equipment forgrain purification from impuritiesprovides high-quality separation of grain material from various types of impurities and dust. Olis LLC is a research and production enterprise that sets the tone for numerous Ukrainian and foreign companies. For 10 years now, our company has been looking into the future with enthusiasm, while actively developing and producing modern

Commercial grain cleaning

In order to producethe purification of commercial grainthat meets the basic norms of the food grain standard, one stage is not enough. This process is labor-intensive and difficult, since from the grain material it is necessary to extract debris of various sizes, grain of other agricultural plants, impurities of various consistencies, damaged grain, mineral impurities,

Primary grain cleaning

Beforeprimary cleaningof grain,in order to increase the efficiency of grain cleaning equipment, preliminary cleaningis usually carried out. Processing can begin withprimary grain cleaningif the grain does not require drying, and it contains a low percentage of contamination. Primary grain purification guarantees compliance of the main grain fraction with the basic norms of the food grain

Pre-cleaning of grain

To clean highly moist and heavily clogged grain, as well as to dry grain, it is necessary to carry out preliminary cleaning of the grain, that is, to remove large impurities. The harvest always contains a high percentage of various impurities – grains of other agricultural plants, spoiled grains, large impurities, random items. What doespre-cleaning

Laboratory equipment

The choice of equipment for grain laboratories plays an important role for any enterprise associated with grain cleaning and processing. The indicators of laboratory equipment must be perfectly accurate; the slightest error can lead to incorrect assessment of grain, and this threatens the company with loss of profit. When determining the quality of grain, the

Scraper Conveyor

The reliability and performance of transport equipment determine the efficiency of a modern enterprise for the processing and transportation of bulk products. The Scraper conveyor is an integral part of conveyor lines. The OLIS company designs and produces scraper conveyors which are used to move various grain crops and their processed products. With the help

TSO conveyor

TSO transporter –a type of transport equipment that is used to move grain, its processed products, feed at grain processing plants, elevators, mills, feed mills, cereal and other enterprises where grain is received, stored and processed product. The TSO conveyor carries cargo at an angle of up to 20 degrees to the horizon, and can

Laboratory equipment

In order to determine the quality of grain for the purpose of its use in a certain area (for example, making flour), it must undergo a quality test. At grain processing enterprises, such characteristics of grain as broadness, amount of gluten, coarseness, glassiness, and contamination are determined. An accurate assessment of grain quality can be


Kruporushka (cereal shop) is a cereal equipment designed for producing cereals of various grain crops. The Kruporushka is used both on small farms and large grain processing enterprises. The grain mill can process wheat, barley, peas, corn and millet into varietal cereals. Waste from the grain crusher can be used as feed for cattle, poultry,