About the company
Our mission

Our mission is safe, efficient, affordable technologies and machines for grain processing, which will provide prosperity to mankind, profit to partners, prosperity to OLIS companies!

About the company

Our company “OLIS” Ltd is specialized in the development, production and implementation of technologies and ;equipment for the grain processing in the industry.

Today we have modern technologies and original equipment in all major areas of grain cleaning, flour and cereals production, as evidenced by more than 30 patents in this area.

OLIS Ltd produces about 200 items of equipment for grain processing industry. We have the ability to produce a variety of grain cleaning complexes, flour mills and groats shops from design to commissioning.

Among trends which are developed by “OLIS” a special attention is paid to grain quality control and its processing products. The results of the effort are embodied in more than 20 items of laboratory equipment produced in lots. We are proud to report that in Ukraine, which is the world’s largest producer of grain, each laboratory for its quality works on the equipment of our production!

Our company has implemented and uses the latest technologies in design, engineering and metalworking, as well as management of quality and the enterprise as a whole. The technological level and the organization of our production allow to provide high quality products at reasonable prices and deliver them in more than 35 countries of near and far abroad.

The basis of the research and engineering and technical personnel of our company consists of the best graduates of Odesa National University of Technology, who received a great experience at the enterprises of bakery industry. The basis of the design team and production staff are former employees of machine tool enterprises of Odesa, whose professionalism is known far beyond the borders of our city.

Oleksandr Vereshchynskyi
Founder, Doctor of Enginering Science
Our knowledge and opportunities are open and available to you. We will be glad to accept you in our company and in our city.
sincerely, Vereshchinskyi Oleksandr Pavlovich


Countries in which our equipment operate

Years of development and implementation experience

Units of manufactured equipment

Working productions in the world

Our certificates
Areas of business of OLIS LTD