Engineering - Olis

Engineering of flour mills, groats mills and grain cleaning complexes

Construction (reconstruction) of a flour mill, a groats mill or a grain cleaning complex is an important and responsible process. Even before the start of project work, at the idea and concept stage, many nuances must be considered. For this purpose, the company OLIS provides a complex of engineering services. Engineering allows you to take into account all the nuances of the future project and helps to avoid unforeseen situations, additional unjustified costs, the correctness of project development and, as a result, to get an efficiently working object (flour mill, groats mill, grain cleaning complex, etc.)

Our company provides pre-project and project engineering.

Pre-project engineering includes the following types of work:

  • Initial consultation.
  • Development of technology and selection of necessary equipment.
  • Development of technical task.
  • Preparation of technical and economic justification and preliminary budgeting.
  • Development of preliminary project and technological scheme. The volume and list of received products, routes of movement of raw materials and products, equipment productivity, equipment names (grain cleaning, transport, technological, aspiration, etc.) are prescribed.
  • Control of performance of all works provided for by pre-project engineering.

It is worth noting that the list of services in pre-project engineering may change depending on the complexity of the project and the conditions of the customer.

Project engineering

Project engineering is direct design, preparation of a clear technical task for equipment supply, preparation of working drawings and other necessary documentation for the start of construction (reconstruction) of a flour mill, a grain plant or a grain cleaning complex.

Post-project engineering

Duties of post-project engineering include control of project implementation, provision of services for its implementation, control of construction and installation works, control of start-up and commissioning of the facility.

Thus, the engineering provided by the company OLIS makes it possible to think through all technical and financial nuances of the future project as efficiently as possible at the idea stage, as well as to trace all the stages of its implementation before commissioning.
