Grain procurement and grain processing companies are vertically organised multi-stage production facilities with a sequential flow of products from one machine to another using stationary transport mechanisms in accordance with the process flow chart.
Stationary transport equipment is designed to move grain and its processed products. Depending on the type of operations performed, intra-shop transport is divided into mechanical, pneumatic and gravity.
Mechanical transport includes:
Pneumatic and aerosol conveying ensures the movement of products in any direction using air. It is available in both discharge and suction types.
Gravity transport is designed to move products from top to bottom.
Norias – Cereal Norias NZ
Scraper conveyors – TSO scraper conveyor
Screw conveyors – Screw conveyor Ш
The site provides a description, technical characteristics and features of the transport equipment offered to the customer. We hope that this information will be the basis for your decision to choose our equipment.
If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us! We will advise you and together we will select the transport equipment that will be most efficient and useful for your company.