Articles - Olis

Grain cleaning

Grain cleaning is one of the most important stages of post-harvest grain processing. The collected product may have a high level of humidity; it contains various impurities, the humidity of which is also high. Storing grain in an uncleaned state can lead to its spoilage – self-heating, the appearance of harmful microorganisms, fungi. This is

Grain cleaning equipment

Processing of the harvested crop begins with grain cleaning. Grain cleaning equipment is equipment that cleans and sorts grains, oilseeds, cereals, and leguminous crops according to various characteristics – size, shape, color, grain density, aerodynamic properties. Grain cleaning consists of several stages – preliminary, primary and secondary cleaning, each of which uses special grain cleaning

Cleaning grain from impurities

The harvested grain contains a large amount of impurities. These may be grains of other crops and plants, small grains, damaged grains, organic and mineral inclusions, harmful impurities. Separation is a method used to clean grain from foreign impurities. In the process of grain cleaning, the grain product is divided into component fractions that have

Stone picker

Destoner is a type of grain cleaning equipment designed to clean grain from mineral impurities (glass, stones, metal, coarse sand and other heavy particles) from the grain flow. The Destonermanufactured by the OLIS company is effectively used in cleaning grain from difficult-to-separate impurities. According to the principle of operation, the stone picker OMP refers to


Grain noria – is a type of transport equipment, which is used for vertical movement of grain, processed products, as well as various bulk products. Elevators can be used in the process of drying and cleaning grain at grain processing and grain cleaning enterprises, at elevator complexes, and at grain collection points. The Noria is

Scraper conveyor

A Scraper conveyor is one of the types of transport equipment, which is a box with scrapers that are attached to traction chains. The box is immersed in bulk product. Scraper conveyors ТСО are used for moving grain and products of its processing, as well as other bulk products in the horizontal direction and at

Gravity flow devices for moving grain

Gravity flow devices are widely used at grain processing enterprises and elevators. Their advantage is the ability to transport grain without consuming energy. And in places where it is impossible to use a mechanical conveyor, this transport unit is the only opportunity to move grain products between technological areas for processing and storage places. Varieties

Grain storage conditions

Having successfully harvested the crop, you should remember that it still needs to be preserved, because if stored incorrectly, you will almost certainly receive unplanned losses leading to a decrease in profits. The main factors that can harm stored grain are: internal processes in grain; microorganisms; insect pests. Internal processes during grain storage Under any

Як відбувається очищення зернових

From the moment of harvesting until processing into finished products, grain is repeatedly cleaned. This is necessary for removing weeds and grain impurities, as well as for forming batches of grain with the specified properties. Traditionally, all types of cleaning are divided into the following types: preliminary – carried out immediately after harvesting before drying,

SORIZ is a new culture in the new millennium!

SORIZ is a new culture in the new millennium! Vyacheslav Mykhailovych Sokolov, General Director of the Breeding and Genetics Institute of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Corresponding Member of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences; Dremlyuk Hryhoriy Kupriyanovych, chief scientific associate of the SGI of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of


Dremlyuk Hryhoriy Kupriyanovych, Doctor of Science and Engineering, Chief Research Associate of the Breeding and Genetic Institute of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences (Odesa); Topal Ivan Aleksandrovych, chief agronomist of the Tarutyn district of the Odesa region; Vlashchenkov Viktor Mykhailovych, engineer for providing agricultural equipment at Ukragroprod CJSC (Odessa). Almost every agronomist in the south