Laboratory Equipment, buy Laboratory Equipment in Ukraine at the best price | OLIS

Laboratory Equipment

Laboratory equipment and laboratory instruments

Quality control of grain and its processed products has always been and remains the most pressing issue in the agribusiness sector, as the quality of raw materials and finished products is the key to the financial well-being of any production.

Our company develops technologies and manufactures equipment for grain processing. While using the laboratory equipment available on the market to control the quality of grain and its products, we found that most of the laboratory instruments dating back to Soviet times are obsolete, given the current technological advances in the field of analysis, and imported laboratory instruments are expensive and do not always meet the needs of the domestic market. Own production allowed OLIS to become a leader among Ukrainian manufacturers of laboratory products.

The company specialises in laboratory equipment for quality control of grain, flour, cereals, mixed fodder and other grain products. The company’s product range is quite diverse. It includes equipment for sample preparation and cleaning (grain dividers, laboratory sifters, laboratory mills, laboratory hullers), for moisture content determination (drying cabinets and ovens, bottles coolers), for analysis of physical properties of grain (grain scopes, hectoliter meters), for analysis of functional and technological properties of grain and grain products (laboratory dough mixers, gluten deformation meters, laboratory oil presses).

Many laboratory instruments manufactured by the company have a number of original design solutions. The manufactured equipment is very reliable and designed for a long service life. The quality of the equipment has been repeatedly tested in production conditions and in the laboratories of our customers. OLIS has implemented the ISO 9001 quality management system, maintains the principle of an individual approach to each customer, and provides high quality and fast service.

Laboratorne obladnannia.

As a forward-looking company, OLIS is constantly improving in the fight for its priority in the manufacturer’s market. In 2022, we carried out an extensive modernisation of our laboratory equipment, ranging from improved performance, improved design, redesign to re-engineering (the actual laboratory equipment was named “OLISLAB”) and improved technical documentation and packaging. And in the near future, OLIS will offer new laboratory equipment, expanding the horizons of the laboratory equipment market as a whole.

Currently, our company has developed and mass-produced 18 laboratory products:

The site provides a description, technical characteristics and features of the laboratory equipment offered to the customer. We hope that this information will be the basis for your decision to choose our equipment.

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us! We will advise you and together we will select the laboratory equipment that will be most effective and useful for your laboratory.
