Processing technologies for wheat, barley, peas and millet include many common operations performed by the same machines. These technologies are usually combined into single operations called universal operations. Technologies of wheat, barley, peas and millet processing include the following main operations: grain cleaning, husking and grinding, separation of husking products, milling, sorting by size. For grain cleaning, sieve-air and magnetic separators of any type are used, as well as a stone separator. For peeling and grinding “Cascade” machines are used, which are characterized by special efficiency when processing wheat, barley and peas. However, if it is necessary to process significant volumes of millet, its peeling is carried out with the help of roller-deck machines. Separation of peeling products (kernel and shells) is carried out in different types of aspirators. Crushed cereals (barley and wheat) are obtained by grinding the husked grain in an impact type grinder. Sorting groats by size with separation of flour is carried out in screening machines such as “Burat” or in sieves. If it is necessary to obtain only split peas in the composition of the processing line include a machine for splitting whole peas. In the processing of millet often there is a need for stable production of millet of the highest grade. In this case, it is envisaged to enrich it using a pneumatic sorting table.
Taking into account the fact that universal production realizes rather uncomplicated technologies, their realization by means of low-capacity aggregates is characterized by high efficiency. Our OPTIMATIK-K-07 and OPTIMATIK-K-15 aggregate universal groat mills in combination with groat preparation plants, respectively, UOK-1 and UOK-2, are undoubtedly the best solution for small production facilities. For medium-sized enterprises we have developed typical technological schemes realized by complete groat mills on industrial equipment. We hope that their functionality will satisfy the requirements of most customers. To solve your special tasks we are ready to create production facilities according to individual technical specifications.
Cereal mills from the company “OLIS” – a successful purchase for your business!
We produce:
Groats mills for processing wheat, barley, peas and millet (universal)