One of the best grain transport devices used in elevators is gravity. They are quite cheap and easy to install, and do not consume energy during operation.
All gravity flows are divided into opened and closed. Opened ones do not have the top cover. They are cheaper, easier to maintain and repair. But when working with grain, so much dust is generated that in practice, opened gravity flows are practically not used.
According to the shape of the section, they are classified as:
A round pipe is easier to manufacture, so such products are cheaper. But flange connections for round pipes are more expensive than rectangular ones. In addition, round pipes are easier to turn to a certain angle during wear, so their service life increases several times. In square pipes, you can change the bottom, which is much cheaper than a complete replacement.
The choice between the two types depends on the design of the elevator. The best option is to contact representatives of the equipment manufacturer, who can suggest the most effective engineering solution.
When designing gravity flows, you have to find a compromise in one of the simplest parameters in the slope of the pipes. On the one hand, the larger it is, the higher the speed of grain transportation. But with an increase in speed, possibility of grain injury also increases, and even pipes wear themselves accelerates.
In practice, the angle of inclination is never less than 36 degrees, because in this case, probability of congestion formation increases when moisture content of the grain increases or when there is a large amount of garbage in it. The most optimal is the angle of inclination from 38 to 45 degrees.
If it is necessary to transport grain processing waste, then possibility of their injury does not matter, and the angle of inclination itself is increased. The maximum value can reach 54 degrees when transporting dust.
Our company manufactures and sells high-quality self-propelled equipment adapted to Ukrainian conditions. Such devices withstand snow, wind and dust. Optionally, all elements can be lined, which further increases their durability.