Commercial grain cleaning. Our activities in Ukraine and abroad

Commercial grain cleaning

In order to producethe purification of commercial grainthat meets the basic norms of the food grain standard, one stage is not enough. This process is labor-intensive and difficult, since from the grain material it is necessary to extract debris of various sizes, grain of other agricultural plants, impurities of various consistencies, damaged grain, mineral impurities, and light impurities.

Cleaning commercial grain requires repeated passage of grain through various grain cleaning machines, during which, due to numerous mechanical actions, grain material can be injured, which has a bad effect on the quality of grain, flour-grinding and feed products in the future.
However, a solution to the current problem has been found! This is a grain cleaning separator “LUCH – ZSO” produced by the company “OLIS”. This machine does an excellent job of cleaning commercial grain from light, small and large impurities at mechanized warehouses, elevators, ZAVs and other grain processing facilities. Thanks to the drum-type sieves of the machine and the rotation of the drum at low speeds, there is no injury to the grain. Another significant advantage of this grain cleaning machine is that it can be equipped with air separators VSN and VSZ. This feature allows you to achieve high results incleaning commercial grainfrom impurities. Cleaning commercial grain using the “LUCH-ZSO” separator from the “OLIS” company ensures effective selection of impurities from the grain for further technological processing.
