Privacy policy - Olis


This confidentiality agreement has been developed in accordance with the requirements of the Law of Ukraine “On Personal Data Protection” and other regulatory acts of Ukrainian legislation governing legal relations related to the collection, processing, storage of personal data, as well as the right of citizens to privacy and the right to expression.

OLIS LLC, taking care of the development of relationships with customers, realizing the importance of ensuring the protection of personal data, in order to resolve possible contradictions and misunderstandings, has prepared this Privacy Agreement (Privacy Policy) and terms of use of the website , hereinafter referred to as the “Site”. Please read this page carefully, as the information contained herein is important to you as a User of the Site.



1.1 Terms used in the Information Privacy Policy:

Information Privacy Policy (hereinafter referred to as the Privacy Policy) is the general rules governing the collection, processing, use and protection of personal data that may be requested/received when using the Website on the domain site .

processing of personal data – any action or set of actions, such as collection, registration, accumulation, storage, adaptation, modification, renewal, use and dissemination (distribution, sale, transfer), depersonalization, destruction of personal data, including with the use of information (automated) systems;

personal data – information or a set of information about an individual who is identified or can be specifically identified;

consent of the personal data subject is a voluntary expression of the individual’s will (subject to his/her awareness) to grant permission to process his/her personal data in accordance with the formulated purpose of their processing, expressed in writing or in a form that allows to conclude that consent has been granted. In the field of e-commerce, the consent of a personal data subject may be provided during registration in the information and communication system of an e-commerce entity by marking a note on granting permission to process his or her personal data in accordance with the formulated purpose of their processing, provided that such a system does not create opportunities for processing personal data before the marking;

confidentiality of personal data – a requirement to comply with the Administrator or other persons who have access to personal data, the requirement to prevent their dissemination without the consent of the personal data subject or the presence of another legal basis.

Website User (hereinafter referred to as the User) – a person who has access to the Website via the Internet and uses the Website.

Cookies – a small piece of data sent by a web server, which is stored on the user’s computer and which a web client or web browser sends to the web server in an HTTP request each time it tries to open a page of the corresponding website.

IP address – a unique network address of a node in a computer network based on the IP protocol.

third party – any person, except for the subject of personal data, the owner or manager of personal data

1.2 The use of the Site by the User confirms acceptance of this Privacy Policy and the terms of processing of the User’s personal data.

1.3 In case of disagreement with the terms of the Privacy Policy, the User must stop using the site.

1.4 The Site Administration does not verify the accuracy of the personal data filled in by the User on the Site.

1.5 The Site Administration does not control and is not responsible for third-party sites to which the User can click on the links available on the Site.

1.6 By providing his/her personal data, the User agrees to receive information (newsletters) from the Website Administration by e-mail or SMS messages.

1.7 By agreeing to the use of cookies during the first visit to our website, in accordance with the provisions of these Rules, the User authorizes the use of cookies during each subsequent visit.


2.1 The Site Administration is obliged not to disclose and ensure the protection of the confidentiality of the User’s personal data.

2.2 If you disable cookies, you may not be able to access parts of the site.

2.3. The Site may collect statistics on the IP addresses of its visitors. This information can be used to identify and solve technical problems.


3.1 The Site Administration may use the User’s personal data for the following purposes:

3.1.1 Identification of the User.

3.1.2 Establishing feedback with the User, including sending notifications, requests regarding the use of the Site, the provision of services, processing requests and applications from the User.

3.1.3 Providing the User with effective customer and technical support in case of problems related to the use of the Website.

3.1.4 Providing the User with information about product updates, special offers, newsletters, advertising information and other information on behalf of the Company.


4.2 The User voluntarily gives full consent to the processing of their personal data by the Website Administration in any way, including, but not limited to, consent to the collection, registration, accumulation, storage, adaptation, modification, updating, use, distribution, dissemination, transfer, etc.), depersonalization and destruction of their personal data.

4.3 The User is aware and agrees that the Website Administration has the right to transfer personal data to third parties, exclusively to courier services, postal organizations, telecommunication operators solely for the purpose of fulfilling the User’s order, including delivery of the Goods, as well as to banking institutions, in order to ensure the implementation of civil law relations, provision/receipt and payment for the purchased goods.

4.4 On the grounds and in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of Ukraine, the User’s personal data may be transferred to the authorized state authorities.

4.5 In case of loss or disclosure of personal data, the Website Administration shall inform the User about the loss or disclosure of personal data.

4.6 The Site Administration takes all organizational and technical measures to protect the User’s personal information from unauthorized or accidental access, destruction, blocking, copying, distribution, as well as from other illegal actions of third parties.


5.1 Responsibilities of the Site Administration:

5.1.1 Use the information received for the purposes specified in Section 3 of this Privacy Policy.

5.1.2 Ensure that confidential information is kept confidential, with the exception of clauses 4.3. and 4.4. of this Privacy Policy.

5.1.3 Take all measures to protect the confidentiality of the User’s personal data in accordance with the procedure usually used to protect this kind of information in business turnover.

5.1.4 Block personal data relating to the relevant User from the moment of application or request of the User, or his legal representative, or the authorized body for the protection of the rights of personal data subjects, for the period of verification, in case of detection of false personal data or illegal actions.

5.2 Responsibilities of the User:

5.2.1 When using the Site, provide all necessary information about personal data to use the Site.

5.2.2. update, supplement the provided information about personal data in case of its change.

5.2.3 In case of disagreement with these terms of the Privacy Policy, stop using the Site.


6.1 The mandatory first stage of dispute resolution is the filing of a claim (a written proposal of a Party for the voluntary settlement of a dispute).

6.2 The recipient of the claim shall, within 30 calendar days from the date of receipt of the claim, notify the Applicant in writing of the results of the consideration of the claim.

6.3 In case of failure to reach an agreement on the resolution of the dispute through negotiations and claims, the dispute will be referred to the judicial authority in accordance with the current legislation of Ukraine.


7.1 Without the consent and prior notice of the User, the Site Administration has the right to make changes to the Privacy Policy.

7.2 The new version of the Privacy Policy comes into force from the moment it is posted on the Site, unless otherwise provided by the new version of the Privacy Policy.

7.3 In the event that any clause/part of this Privacy Policy is invalidated or unfulfilled, other clauses/parts of it will remain in force.
