Reconstructions: purchase equipment for elevators and granaries in Ukraine | Prices from the manufacturer "OLIS"

Reconstruction of grain cleaning complexes, groats mills and flour mills

“OLIS” Ltd conducts:

1. Reconstruction of grain cleaning and drying complexes (ZAV and KZS) with introduction of grain cleaning separators “LUCH ZSO”

2. Reconstruction and improvement of flour mills:

  • improving the quality of flour at the level of GOST and above;
  • elimination of “dark spots”, gray and brown shades;
  • increase in total yield of flour at the expense of flour of high grades;
  • reducing energy consumption and increasing productivity;
  • ensuring work efficiency of grain of reduced quality.

3. Reconstruction and improvement of groats mills:

  • increasing groats yield and quality;
  • reduction of production costs;
  • expansion of the range of manufactured products.


The list of works on grain cleaning complexes reconstruction includes:

1. Technical and technological examination of the condition;

2. Preparation and agreement with the customer of the complete nomenclature of the individual technological line;

The following works are usually performed during reconstruction

    • dismantling of equipment;
    • increasing passage height under bunkers for shipment of clean and feed grain directly to the body of a heavy-duty truck with extended sides (KAMAZ, MAZ, etc.). Works are performed without disassembling metal structures of ZAV with preservation or increase of shipping hoppers capacity, without destroying coating of grain streams;
    • manufacture and installation of a dump pit of increased capacity for rear and side unloading of dump trucks;
    • repair works of metal structures and shipping bunkers;
    • repair and replacement of individual units or machines;
    • adjustment works.

    3. Preparation of estimates for reconstruction, conclusion of contracts for the supply of equipment and execution of general construction and installation works.


    Most often, in order to achieve specified goals of groats mill reconstruction, it is not necessary to carry out large-scale changes in an existing production, accompanied by significant capital investments. Sufficient measures are replacement of some basic technological fragments and more efficient and productive machines. Such replacement always leads to a significant reduction in the total number of necessary communications. The freed production space can be used to expand production or provide it with new opportunities.

    Measures carried out as a reconstruction part are capable of returning profitability even to deeply unprofitable, large and old productions. Payback of invested funds usually does not exceed five months.

    Considering the huge variety of small-scale machines working in the industry, we can send specific technical and commercial proposals for reconstruction or improvement only after their inspection or examination by our specialists.


    Renovations carried out by our company’s specialists on mills of different performance and design, as a rule, include the correction of mistakes and errors made during their creation, as well as introduction of new highly efficient technological fragments and machines. Specified measures are aimed at fulfilling higher requirements for grain preparation and organizing such grain grinding schemes and modes that ensure a high yield of flour and guarantee its quality.

    Analysis of economic results of aggregated mini-mills, complete mills with productivity of up to 100 t/day of foreign manufacturers, as well as mills with productivity of up to 250 t/day, created on the basis of domestic industrial equipment, allows us to claim that reconstructions and improvements we have carried out provide them with reliable profitability and competitiveness in the flour market.

    We offer interested owners, managers and specialists the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the results of mills reconstructed by us.

    As a rule, the payback period of the funds invested in the reconstruction is about three months.

    In order to optimize improvement work of aggregated mini-mills of domestic production of the most common models (MVS, P6-AVM, “Farmer”, “Kharkivchanka”, etc.), we developed, mass-produced and implemented “Installation for increasing whiteness and yield of flour, as well as mill productivity”.

    Installation is a minimally necessary set of equipment and parts that allow you to significantly improve operation of mini-mills. In addition, overall and connecting dimensions of installation accepted by us, as well as methods of inclusion in the scheme of each of mills, allow us to implement it with full adjustment of the mill within 2-3 days.

    Mills with productivity from 30 t/day to 240 t/day, hundreds of which work today in domestic flour mills, differ not only by the country or manufacturing company, features of the technological scheme, layout, construction solutions, but also by the design of even individual machines. A large part of them needs a serious improvement in performance. It is quite clear that such mills cannot be improved according to one template. For each of them, it is necessary to correctly “make a diagnosis”, as well as choose and individually implement from the arsenal that we have, the most acceptable and effective ways of “treatment”. In this regard, specific technical and commercial proposals for reconstruction and improvement of most mills are possible only after their inspection or examination by our specialists.
