On 19 August 2016, the annual meeting of veterans of the Ukrainian bread production system was held. This year the meeting was held in Kyiv at the enterprise CHAT “Kyivmlyn”. The meeting was attended by Kompanets N.P. (Minister of Bread Products of the Ukrainian SSR 1988-1991), Kryzhov I.N., Pidorich A.P., Artemenko V.F., Shapovalenko O.I., Dmytruk E.A., Ilchuk V.B., as well as many other authoritative and honoured personalities who made a huge contribution to the development of our industry. The event was attended by current employees of the bakery products system – heads of enterprises and representatives of science. General Director of LLC “OLIS”, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Vereshchinsky Alexander Pavlovich was also invited and attended this forum.
The meeting discussed topical organisational, technical and economic issues of the modern development of the industry. On behalf of those present a huge gratitude for the organisation and management of the meeting was expressed to the organising committee of the event represented by Kompanets Nikolay Prokopovich and Kryzhov Ivan Nikolaevich.
Photo from the event:
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