Months of hard work in the field end with the harvest of early grain crops across the country. In this regard, the OLIS service department is on the road every day to launch and adjust grain separators that will clean the harvested crop. After all, from the moment of harvesting to processing into finished products, grain is repeatedly cleaned, and a delay in cleaning raw and wet grain can lead to its self-heating and deterioration in quality.
All types of cleaning are divided into the following stages:
- preliminary – carried out immediately after harvesting before drying, while removing large impurities, weed seeds, etc.
- primary – designed to separate the maximum amount of impurities with minimal loss of the processed product;
- secondary – carried out after the primary for the final formation of the grain mass; mainly used for seed grain, as well as for the selection of hard-to-separate impurities.
These are the cleaning stages performed by the LUCH ZSO drum-type grain separator.
For questions about grain cleaning equipment, please call:
For more information on grain cleaning equipment
+38 (067) 511-29-99, +38 (067) 485-19-95
For more information, please contact the sales team at:
☎ +38 (067) 822-85-58
OLIS – quality proven by time!